Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tim DeLaughter: Modern Prophet

A good artistic representation of the postmodern search for meaning.

The Polyphonic Spree
"We Crawl"

Friday, January 16, 2009

Good explanation of Govt bailout

This pretty much explains it all!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Obama: name above all names

Thanks but if I have another boy, I'll stick with either Abe, Harry, or Ronald.

At one point, Obama saw a pregnant staffer.
"When are you due?" Obama said.
"Next week," she said.
"I hear Barack is a good name," he said.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Global Warming or Cooling?

I'm a little confused this morning. Does the future hold for us global warming or global cooling?

Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age

"The earth is now on the brink of entering another Ice Age, according to a large and compelling body of evidence from within the field of climate science. Many sources of data which provide our knowledge base of long-term climate change indicate that the warm, twelve thousand year-long Holocene period will rather soon be coming to an end, and then the earth will return to Ice Age conditions for the next 100,000 years."