Friday, April 3, 2009

Few Biblical References in LOST

Did you notice how LOST loves to borrow names of famous people and use them as the names of characters in the show? Most I noticed on my own but several are also mentioned on

The references to famous philosophers are quite obvious: John Locke (duh), David Hume (Desmond), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (you know, the French lady), Edmund Burke (Juliet’s ex-husband), and C.S. Lewis (Charlotte).

But I have noticed some Biblical references as well. For example, Naomi referred to Jack as Moses. In the book of Exodus, Moses led the people of Israel out of slavery to freedom similar to Jack attempting to lead everyone off the island. Also in the book of Exodus, Moses and Aaron are brothers. Claire’s son, Aaron, is Jack’s nephew. Although not brothers in LOST, they are still closely related.

In the book of Genesis, Benjamin is the youngest son of Jacob and his mother, Rachel, died just after giving birth. Ben Linus’ mother died just after giving birth. Could the mysterious Jacob be some sort of father figure for Ben?

Probably the most obvious is that Jack’s father’s name is Christian and in the book of John, Jesus referred to himself as the Good Shepherd.

1 comment:

  1. You LOST me as I am not a LOST viewer, though my kids are! Happy blogging.
